Stemco Singapore based International Olympiad style competitions in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Science

STEM Summer camps

Singapore - UK - USA

STEM learning for Kids

Holiday for parents and guests

Quality experiences for families

STEMCO STEM SUMMER CAMPS welcome students from age 6 to 18 & their parents


StemCo, in partnership with Mosaic Play Academy, is excited to present the ultimate STEM Summer Camp.

Location : Singapore

Duration : 5 days

For Application Start From Here ->

What to Expect

Key Benefits

Stem Learning for kids

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and

I may remember. Involve me and I learn."

At StemCo, we believe in the power of experiential learning, where students are actively involved and engaged during the learning process. Our STEM program is designed with both individual and group hands-on activities, ensuring that students not only learn but also apply their knowledge in practical, meaningful ways.

Holiday for parents and guests

Experience the vibrant modern life of Singapore while your children engage in enriching STEM activities. From world-class shopping and dining to relaxing leisure activities, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Quality experiences for families

Enjoy quality time with your family through the adventures we have planned for you. Each adventure promises to create lasting memories and strengthen your family bonds as you explore the wonders of Singapore together.