Who are Bestys?

Besty is a good friend, in fact, the best friend.

A friend you can trust.

A good listener.

A good counselor.

In our world of meaning,

Besty is also someone who has embarked on a journey of ‘Best Yourself’.

Best student.

Best educator.

Best dad or mom.

Best son or daughter.

Best, whoever.

They all have a growth mindset and their own definition of success.

They constantly work on themselves and seek the best.

Their day today is not equivalent to their yesterday.

They put in consistent and earnest effort to become better every passing day,

Bit by bit.

They understand the necessity of taking smaller steps in order to take bigger steps later on,

And they are patient enough to see progress.

They are conscious of their self-worth and strive to develop their full potential.

They are cognizant that time is one of their most valuable assets. They use it consciously.

They are well aware of the limits of their power, ability, and resources,

Hence, they make plans and set goals accordingly.

They are wise enough to identify the highest priorities in their list of must-dos,

They are strategic in their thoughts, swift in their actions, and dedicated in their execution.

They engage in healthy competition with others,

But they are mindful enough that their real competition is themselves;

And they are daring enough to challenge themselves.

They are courageous enough to make mistakes and learn from them.

They have a love for truth, keenness for research, and eagerness for knowledge.

If a cup of knowledge is given to them, they ask for another after another.

They strive to understand the world around them and find their role in it.

They are profound enough to think of others around them and take this journey together.

They respect the perspectives of others and size up any opinion or suggestion they receive,

And they make use of those refined ideas together with their own experience to synthesize something novel.

They are inventors,

They are disrupters,

They are moderators,

They are learners,

They are challengers,

They are achievers,

And they are winners.

They are Bestys.

Are you a Besty?

Let’s become Bestys!